How to run a Polygon node
System Requirements
Beside the general Prerequisites:
For an Archive node of Polygon mainnet: 8.5TB
5.1TB with
--prune.*.older 15768000
For an Archive node of Amoy Testnet: 150GB
DO NOT USE HDD: Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are not recommended for running Erigon, as it may cause the node to stay N blocks behind the chain tip and lead to performance issues.
USE SSD or NVMe: Solid State Drives (SSD) or Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) drives are recommended for optimal performance. These storage devices provide faster read/write speeds and can handle the demanding requirements of an Erigon node.
RAM ≥ 32GB, 64-bit architecture
Golang version: 1.20 or newer, GCC 10+
Block Production (PoS Validator) is not supported/tested for Polygon (In Progress)
Install Erigon
For MacOS and Linux, run the following commands to build the latest Erigon version from source:
This should create the binary at ./build/bin/erigon
If you are using Windows follow first the dedicated installation guide or use Docker.
Start Erigon
To start a Erigon archive node for Polygon mainnet with remote Heimdall:
For a Mumbai testnet archive node with remote Heimdall:
Basic configuration
If you want to store Erigon files in a non-default location, add flag
Default data directory is /home/admin/.local/share/erigon.
to run a full node (or pruned node) with latest 90'000 blocks instead of an archive node. If you change your mind remember to delete the--datadir
folder.To increase download speed add
(default is 16mb)
To stop the Erigon node you can use the CTRL+C
command. Additional flags can be added to configure the node with several options.
Block Production (PoS Validator) is not supported/tested for Polygon (In Progress)
Last updated