
How to run a Erigon node with Docker

Using Docker allows starting Erigon packaged as a Docker image without installing the program directly on your system. Here are the steps to download and start Erigon in Docker:

  1. Install Docker Desktop on Mac, Windows, or Linux.

  2. Check the Erigon Docker Hub page to see the available releases

  1. Download the latest version:

docker pull thorax/erigon:v2.60.0-rc1

Avoid using the stableandlatestDocker tags.

  1. List the downloaded images to get the IMAGE ID:

docker images
  1. Run the image in a container, replace IMAGE_ID with actual id from previous step:

docker run -it <image_id>

This will start Erigon in the foreground inside the container.

  1. If you want to start Erigon with options just add them in the end according to the usage page or perform advanced customization. For example:

docker run -it 982bea187bb9 --internalcl --chain=goerli --prune=hrtc
  1. When done, exit the container or press Ctrl+C. The container will stop.

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