Getting started

Installing Erigon

In order to use Erigon, the software has to be installed first. There are several ways to install Erigon, depending on the operating system and the user's choice of installation method, e.g. using a package manager, container or building from source.

Erigon 3 has been in R&D for a long time and is getting closer to release. We plan release v2.60.0 to be the last major release based on Erigon 2.

There may be patch v2.60.x releases for critical issues, but by and large we intend all future development to be based on Erigon 3. The Erigon 3 code now lives in the main branch, which is now our default branch.

You can read more about Erigon 3 at


To install Erigon you need to have either Golang (version 1.21 or newer, see installation instructions), GCC 10+ or Clang, the programming language needed to compile the code, installed.

For Linux systems, it is recommended to utilize a kernel version of 4.0 or later.

Info: it is recommended to have a new Go installation. In case you have a previous version delete the /usr/local/go folder (you will probably need to use sudo), and re-extract the new version in its place.

Git also need to be installed, in order to fetch, update and maintain your Erigon local copy. You can find all the information to install Git here:

Erigon works only from command line interface (CLI), so it is advisable to have a good confidence with basic commands in Linux, MacOs or Windows.

Hardware Requirements

For an archive node of Ethereum Mainnet it is recommended at least 3TB of storage space: 1.8TB state, 400GB temp files (can symlink or mount folder <datadir>/temp to another disk).

  • For an Archive node of Ethereum Mainnet we recommend >=3.5TB storage space: 2.3TiB state (as of March 2024), 643GiB snapshots (can symlink or mount folder <datadir>/snapshots to another disk), 200GB temp files (can symlink or mount folder <datadir>/temp to another disk). Ethereum Mainnet Full node ( see --prune* flags): 1.1TiB (March 2024).

  • Goerli Full node (see --prune* flags): 189GB on Beta, 114GB on Alpha (April 2022).

  • Gnosis Chain Archive: 1.7TiB (March 2024). Gnosis Chain Full node (--prune=hrtc flag): 530GiB (March 2024).

  • Polygon Mainnet Archive: 8.5TiB (December 2023). --prune.*.older 15768000: 5.1Tb (September 2023). Polygon Mumbai Archive: 1TB. (April 2022).

A locally mounted SSD or NVMe disk is recommended for storage. HDD is not recommended because it will cause Erigon to always stay N blocks behind the chain tip, but not fall behind. In addition, SSD performance degrades when close to full capacity.

When using multiple hard drives, a RAID0 configuration is recommended as it offers high performance and efficient use of space. Raid ZFS is not recommended.

More details on disk storage here and here.

  • CPU: 64-bit architecture. Number of core and threads is not really important, you don't need a super powerful computer to run Erigon.

  • RAM: ≥ 16GB

  • On Linux: kernel > v4

Tips for Faster Sync

  • Use the machine with low latency (not throughput) disk and RAM for the faster initial sync.

  • Memory optimized nodes are recommended for faster sync, For example, AWS EC2 r5 or r6 series instances.

Last updated