About us

The Erigon team

The Erigon team is a group of talented protocol engineers building Ethereum client software. Based in central Europe but hiring diverse people from all over the world, this team of developers is focused on creating performant, reliable, and secure clients for the Ethereum and EVM blockchains at large, in close coordination with teams like Polygon and Gnosis.

As open source advocates, Erigon contributors actively engage with the wider Ethereum community and collaborate with other client teams, contribute to EIPs, and offer support to users worldwide.

The Erigon developers' technical abilities are clear through their work on core improvements like snapshot sync, RPC enhancements, and advanced tracing. They have expertise in areas like p2p networking, consensus algorithms, and node interface design.

As Ethereum evolves, the Erigon team remains focused on building the most robust and efficient clients for the community.

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